Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wolfram Alpha is Cool

I recently encountered a new technology called Wolfram Alpha, and I think it is very cool.

So what is Wolfram Alpha? It is an answer engine. Unlike a search engine like Google, Wolfram Alpha attempts to provide straight forward and simple answer, rather than a list of web pages that may provide the answer.

For example, if I type in "hong kong population" to Wolfram Alpha, it will tell me it is 6.94 million people. If I type in "Citizen Kane", it will tell me it is a movie that is directed by Orson Welles, released in 1941. If I type in "35 + 27", it will tell me the answer is 62. If I type in "convert US $35 to hong kong dollar", it will give me $272.46. That is freaking amazing.

Obviously, Wolfram Alpha does not have all the answers in the world, but for whatever it knows, it seems to be able to find it quickly and provide a straight forward answer.

Another interesting fact is Wolfram Alpha is written using Mathematica, a symbolic computation application. This is quite different from a typical online database which is probably written using some variants of standard programming languages such as Java or php, and accessing a database behind it.

This choice of implementation is probably significant. Whatever the underlying technology is, Wolfram Alpha's logic is probably operating at a more abstract level than something that is written in a standard programming language.

Saturday, May 9, 2009




「其時波斯大哲野芒設帳授徒,門下有三個傑出的弟子:峨默長於文學,尼若牟擅於政事,霍山武功精強。三人意氣相投,相互誓約,他年禍福與共,富貴不忘。後 來尼若牟青雲得意,做到教王的首相。他兩個舊友前來投奔,尼若牟請於教王,授了霍山的官職。峨默不願居官,只求一筆年金,以便靜居研習天文曆數,飲酒吟 詩。一一依從,相待甚厚。

「不料雄心勃勃,不甘久居人下,陰謀叛變。事敗後結黨據山,成為威震天下的一個宗派首領。該派專以殺人為務,名為依斯美良派,當十字軍之時,西域提起 『山中老人』霍山之名,無不心驚色變。其時西域各國君王喪生於『山中老人』手下者不計其數。韓夫人言道,極西海外有一大國,叫做英格蘭,該國國王愛德華得 罪了山中老人,被他遣人行刺,國王身中毒刃,幸得王后捨身救夫,吸去傷口中毒液,國王方得不死。霍山不顧舊日恩義,更遣人刺殺波斯首相尼若牟。首相臨死時 口吟峨默詩句,便是這兩句『來如流水兮逝如風,不知何處來兮何所終』了。韓夫人又道,後來『山中老人』一派武功為波斯明教中人習得。波斯三使武功詭異古 怪,料想便出於這山中老人。」




開始有趣了,想進一步調查。上述網頁中的人物只有中文譯名,開始有點難查。於是決定先找找尼扎木.穆勒克的英文名。不難查,是Nizam al—Mulk。

再用wikipedia查Nizam al—Mulk,找到以下文章:

"This account is particularly interesting in light of a possibly apocryphal story recounted by Jorge Luis Borges. In this story a pact is formed between a young Nizam ul-Mulk (at that time known as Abdul Khassem) and his two friends, Omar Khayyam and Hassan-i-Sabah. Their agreement stated that if one should rise to prominence, that they would help the other two to do likewise. Nizam ul-Mulk was the first to do this when he was appointed vizier to the sultan Alp Arslan. To fulfill the pact he offered both friends positions of rank within the court. Omar refused the offer, asking instead to be given the means to continue his studies indefinitely. This Nizam did, as well as building him an observatory. Although Hassan, unlike Omar, decided to accept the appointment offered to him, he was forced to flee after plotting to dispose Nizam as vizier. Subsequently, Hassan came upon and conquered the fortress of Alamut, from where he established the Assassins."


峨默(Omar Khayyam),尼若牟(Nizam ul-Mulk),霍山(Hassan-i-Sabah)出來了。三個都是真有其人。至於三人師兄弟關係,Jorge Luis Borges是根據The Three Schoolmates的傳說來寫的。可能這傳說太吸引,金庸和Borges都使用了。

註: 山中老人霍山的Assassins組織,正是英語中殺手(assassin), 行刺(assassination)的來源。